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Ocean Nutrition Atison's Betta SPA Water Conditioner

SKU: PT0151088330

1ea/4.22 fl oz

Regular price $9.19 USD
Regular price $8.48 USD Sale price $9.19 USD
Sale Sold out

The Wild Almond leaf extract will create a more natural environment for the Betta Fish. The leaves contain humic acids and tannins and are known to have antibacterial properties. The Yucca extract will bind the ammonia (NH3) in the water. Therefore we recommend use of the Betta SPA for all fishes kept in small containers, especially during transportation. Contains Calcium needed to activate the muscles and to develop strong bones, teeth and scales. Lowers the pH of the water and absorbs harmful chemicals.


  • Product Gross Weight: 0.2340 lb
  • Product Net Weight: 0.2340 lb
  • Product Height: 2.75 in
  • Product Length: 5.50 in
  • Product Width: 1.25 in


  • Use Instructions: Unscrew the lid of the 5 ml container. Squeeze to fill the 5 ml container with the amount of product you need to pour into the tank. We advise 5 ml per 8 liters (approx. 2 gallons) of water for normal maintenance or 5 ml per 4 liters (approx. 1 gallon) water for conditioning. Do not add salt to the water. Use with every water change. For tanks without filtration, we recommend a 50% water change every week.


  • Caution: Not for human consumption


  • Benefits: 1. Contains antibacterial and stress-relieving properties.2. Allowing safer fishkeeping in water without filtration or aeration.3. Contains calcium needed by Bettas to activate muscles, reduce stress, and develop strong bones and scales.4. Lowers pH and absorbs harmful chemicals and heavy metals.5. Adds essential trace elements to the water.6. Ideal for conditioning Bettas; promotes spawning activity and coloration.7. Strengthens bubble nests.8. Colors the water via natural tannins, lignins, and fulvic acids.